Control: A Weekend Off…
I, Dalton Lewis, took the weekend off. I wanted to lose weight but failed. I wanted to write a screenplay but failed. I didn’t do any writing or exercising or anything productive at all. I sat around, trying to get onto a decent schedule and failed epically.
I had been sleeping from seven am to five pm and wanted to turn that schedule around to sleeping at night and being awake during the day. I failed at that simple goal. I went to sleep at a decent hour but slept until 3:30 pm on Monday.
I also watched a game and a half of football. I watched my beloved Chicago Bears win a game yesterday. They won 17–13 because Mitch Trubisky had a good first half and the defense is awesome. The running game did a pretty good job of keeping the third downs manageable. The opposing team failed to win the game on the last play of the game for the second straight week, but wins are hard to come by in the NFL so let’s not worry too much about 2–0, okay?
I started to write a screenplay. I don’t know why. I might finish it, and I might not. I don’t know why I started such a project. I don’t really want to work in Hollywood, but I wanted to take a chance on something different.
I slept. I slept from 3 pm to midnight or so and then woke up to take my nighttime meds and then slept from 1 am to 3 pm. I don’t know why I slept that many hours, but that’s what happened. I never managed to switch to a real, decent sleep schedule.
I have a Warhammer 40k army ready for play — I am ready to play with 2000 points of ad mech. I think that’s a pretty good army to try — they are powerful and do a lot of ranged damage.
I don’t know why I want to write a screenplay. I want to give it a shot because I haven’t done it in a long time and I think it might become something powerful.
I had been working out regularly. I will get back to that tonight. I have been doing one 35 minute set on the exercise bike. It really helps me to have more energy and sleep less — I think.
Why don’t I lose weight? I want to lose weight but don’t lose anything. I want to work out every day for a month and see what happens. That’s my new goal — work out every day I can manage for a month and see if I lose weight. That sounds like a solid goal.
I gained weight when I started to take antipsychotic medications and became schizophrenic. I was skinny before that. Here’s hoping that I can lose the weight — I want to start to eat well and exercise until I can lose the weight. Then I can get a light industrial job and make some money.
I want to accomplish something in life. I hope that this will improve my lot in life.
Thanks, and take care, friends.