Control: Pre-Tournament Blog…
I, Dalton Lewis, have a Warhammer 40k tournament tomorrow afternoon. I will probably win zero or one games out of the three games that I play. I know this because I usually win one or zero games at these things. I’m playing death guard because they’re a competitive chaos faction. I like chaos. I like the idea of worshiping daemons. I think it’s a neat idea in a game. In reality…not so much. My game characters, though, can worship daemons.
I started out with a simple idea: thirty plague marines would be awesome. They take less damage from attacks and have T5. Good, right? I wanted to have thirty of them trucking around in rhinos because rhinos would allow them to be even harder to kill. Each rhino has 10 wounds. That’s 90 wounds for the enemy to punch through. Impossible, right?
Then I tried it, and my opponents had little trouble shredding my 30 plague marines and my 3 rhinos. The plague marines rarely did their points worth of damage before dying. They got shredded by something or other. Plus which they were around 1000 points for the thirty of them plus the three rhinos. That’s half my army.
What did work? Plagueburst crawlers. They worked pretty well doing long range damage to the enemy. I liked them so I added more until I had three of them. They do effective work killing enemy armor or using their mortar on whichever enemy unit is most effective. Their ability to shoot at something they can’t see is essential.
I added blightlord terminators. I wanted hybrid terminators that could shoot or fight in melee, and that’s the blightlord terminators. I ordered them in February and they arrived at my home in April. During that time I had several conversations about canceling the order — which would have prevented me from playing with terminators at this tournament. I made the right call waiting for the models to show up.
The competition at this tournament will be fierce. A lot of the players attending the tournament regularly beat me at Warhammer 40k. I don’t see many easy wins for me at this point in my 40k-playing hobby life. I haven’t played more than half a dozen games of 9th edition yet. I hardly know the terrain rules.
I just want to roll some dice with some friends and play some games. I don’t care if I win or lose. That’s not the priority tomorrow. I want to see friends and hang out and have a good time. I’ll blog the results tomorrow or the next day.
Thanks, and take care, friends.