Control Review: Young Justice #1–6
I, Dalton Lewis, wanted to write a short review of Young Justice # 1–6 by Brian Michael Bendis and Patrick Gleason. Bendis, one of the more experienced comic book writers, started writing for DC a while ago. He is well-known for his Miles Morales stories and his crossover stories for Marvel Comics. He writes a story about a group of young heroes who are taken to Gemworld, a place where everyone’s names have something to do with gems — Amethyst is a hero teen girl who is trying to stop the villainous Lord Opal, a villain who wants…something. I don’t really know what his plan was or is and read the whole thing.
I really like the issues because the characters are interesting and worth a read. Jinny Hex shows up in the big city and is immediately pulled over for having a broken tail light and at least one gun in her car — both of which are perfectly fine, if you ask her. She is going to Metropolis on adventure. She finds it — a huge fight erupts in Metropolis, with strange people attacking and demanding a fight with Superman — a person who doesn’t show up for whatever reason. A number of other people do show up, though.
Tim Drake shows up — he’s come a long way since the days when a twelve year-old Damian Wayne beat him up to become Robin. Tim Drake has once again earned the right to be Robin and is secretly dating Stephanie Brown — whose father is still a maniacal supervillain. They take moments away from everyone and have a romance. Tim talks to Zatanna about a negative effect. He’s forgotten something, and it’s more about characters than about a MacGuffin, so that was interesting to me.
Wonder Girl shows up. She is the grand-daughter of Zeus and still totally badass and great in combat. She talks to her grandfather and assumes that something totally wrong has happened because he showed up. The discussion doesn’t have anything to do with plot, though — so once again, good. Then the characters get shoved into Gemworld and locked up — along with Teen Lantern, who is not yet a teenager in a fit of irony.
Conner Kent and Bart Allen also meet in Gemworld, and Conner has a big secret. They try to fight to rescue their friends and go after the villainous Lord Opal. Conner is a young man who ignores class learning and wants to live life instead of learning about it. That is admirable but mistaken, if you ask me. Still, he is an interesting character who I’ve liked for a long time, and I’m glad that he’s back doing something and not just shelved.
I hadn’t read a comic book in a very long time, and this one hit the spot. It was fun and entertaining to watch some passionate young people who are old friends reunite and live new adventures together. I thought that reading a comic was something that I had forgotten or lost or no longer did, and that was a mistake. I want to go back into reading more. If you want me to review more comics, simply let me know in the comments here or on Facebook. To my loyal readers — thanks for reading my work. It means something to me.
Thanks, and take care, friends.