Control: Reviewing the News…

Daniel Trump
2 min readAug 19, 2020


I, Dalton Lewis, took a look at the news. In Venezuela the government locks up people suspected of having Covid-19, or the super psycho death virus, for undetermined amounts of time. They lock people up and put them together until they can test them — which will almost guarantee that they will get it. Great job, Venezuela, great job. At least they don’t have the cases America does. America has 5.5 million proven cases and 170,000 deaths. Things are not looking up. These are truly the end times.

We lock up people who scare us. I’m mentally ill. I could get locked up because of it. I’ve been in hospitals before. When I’m in a hospital there is a difference than when you are in a hospital: I can’t leave unless the doctor lets me go. Until then I’m in the hospital, taking their meds, doing what I’m told, following all the orders, in the hopes that they will realize that I’m a good person who wouldn’t hurt anyone. Then they might release me.

I also looked at the entertainment news, too. Olivia Wilde is directing a Sony Marvel movie. Neat! That will distract me and make me less mad at the super psycho death virus and the way people are being locked up in droves. Good job, America. Fuck. Fucking fuck.

4,900 people have died in Cook County, Illinois from this virus. That is one county south of me — I live in Lake County, Illinois with my elderly parents in a town home. That’s a lot of deaths. There are 213,000 cases reported in Illinois so far. That’s a fuckton of people. A fuckton.

Meanwhile Apple, a big company, is now worth $2 trillion. Trillion! With a t! That is ridiculous. They are making money like crazy while people are dying. I’m not mad — I’m actually proud of them, making money for themselves. Let me check how much money I have — I bet it’s less than $1 thousand dollars. I have $657 and some change right now. I’m a little short of what that company has in value. I have some wargaming miniatures in poor quality, though — that’s gotta be worth a couple bucks, right? Right?

In other news Kamala Harris will become the Democratic nominee for vice president, making her the third female nominee and first of African or Indian descent. That’s good news because she sounds like a hardass prosecutor who fights for everything she gets in life. I like her. Now we get to see the typical racism and Fox News threats about how bad they think that she will be. I don’t watch Fox News but do know that they criticize any liberal by calling them a liberal. I don’t know that liberal should be a bad word.

All in all the day’s news is threatening. People are dying, people are being locked up, the megacorporations are making money, the rest of us are poor, but a woman of color is trying to become the vice president. I just hope that we can move in a better direction tomorrow. Damn it.

Thanks, and take care, friends.



Daniel Trump
Daniel Trump

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