Control: Tau Tournament Results
I, Dalton Lewis, love to play Warhammer 40k. I am torn: I love to play even though I lose a lot of games. I played a tournament last weekend.
Game One: I stand there, in front of my enemy, Terry. He is my friend and my enemy at once. He brought Grey Knights, the daemon hunters. I brought Tau. He brings out his units behind a wall. He has placed a wall near the middle of the map, hiding his units behind them.
I can’t shoot at the units behind the wall. The units that go past the wall sit next to my own units but don’t kill them. I can’t shoot at his units because they are in melee with my units. I slowly lose to Terry. I concede at the end of the game. Terry wins.
Game Two: I play against another friend, Colin. Colin plays possessed bomb. He has a lot of melee guys that run across the table and kill my guys. I kill a few of his units and stay away from his death star with my death star. I want nothing to do with a confrontation there. I move a riptide to the middle of the board, but it dies right away. I threw away a 280 point model for a mistake, for nothing. The game gets worse from there. His possessed kill a lot of people. Colin wins.
Game Three: I play against a tyranid player who is a nice guy. I put my little fire warriors on objectives, but he gets a turn before I get the points for the objectives. He kills my fire warriors and I get no points. He sits on objectives and gets full points because I kill his dangerous genestealers instead of his units on objectives. He gets way ahead of me. I try to fight and end up in a losing situation in which he is way ahead. I want to get dinner with Philip so I give up. Tyranid player wins.
I want to get better. I want to get better results. I stand there, in the room with a bunch of other men, rolling dice and moving my little wargaming miniatures around. I watch as my men die over and over — I lose over and over, but I persist. I just want to know what would make me more effective and smart at the game.
The tau are getting fired. I played terribly with them. I didn’t do anything well. I didn’t use smart target priority. I couldn’t shoot my opponents’ best units. You can’t kill your opponents until you can see them and shoot them, and my opponents hid well.
It’s like this, folks — it can’t get much worse. I am fat and unemployed and living at home with my parents. I write novels that no one reads. I play strategy games and lose most of the games that I play. I barely read enough and exercise enough to do the minimum to better myself. I need to focus on the positive, right? Well, there’s not much more positive right now. I really, really could use some advice on how to fix my broken life.
Thanks, and take care, friends.