Control: Unbelievable
I, Dalton Lewis, am upset. I tried to sit at my desk, drink my Coke Zero, and play my favorite computer game, Starcraft 2, against the best and brightest of the fellow geeks on the internet. I heated up yesterday’s leftovers — salmon, baked potato, and asparagus. I ate the delicious food and looked at my updates on Facebook — I got updates from someone working on a Sisters of Battle army. He had pictures of some well-made miniatures. I approved.
Then I started to play the game. My opponent attacked me quickly and aggressively and almost beat me. He made zerglings immediately and rushed them towards my base. Thankfully I scouted and realized his plan. I canceled my second base and made spine crawlers, zerglings and queens for defense. Initially he killed my spines before they finished. I know that people often use cheesy builds, but this was ridiculous. Then I held off his initial attack and survived by killing his zerglings with my zerglings and queen. I built a second base and tried to finish him off, but he had queens and spines to stop me.
I built four bases and a fuckton of drones. I created a gigantic army of roaches and hydralisks and attacked. He had even more units than me and stopped me cold. I thought that I had lost and he rushed over to finish me off. I remaxed on hydras and barely stopped him. Then I decided to tech up to ultralisks. I built the high tech kaiju type unit. I broke through his ranks and started to finish him off. Then it happened. He texted several swear words which were blocked from the program. Then he texted, literally, “bet your neggro.” I got mad.
Why is racism so rampant? I’m not, in fact, African-American, but people post stupid racist shit on the internet every day. I don’t know what to do about it. Education doesn’t seem to work. No one seems to know how to stop the overwhelming number of people who are secretly offensive and racist and prejudiced. I reported him and it blocked him from talking to me. Great. I’m just offended that this still happens. We had a fucking African-American president, and we still get idiots on the internet hating African-Americans.
I don’t know what to say or do except to say that African-Americans are right to be angry. People have every right to be upset. Racism is real. Sexism is real. Prejudice happens today, and our educational systems need more teaching to prevent racism and teach people to treat everyone fairly. My dad has always taught me to treat everyone the same — to not suck up to people who are different but give them the same shitty treatment everyone gets. He taught me to expect the most from everyone no matter who they are. I can only try to do that and rant about the unfairness in today’s America.
Thanks, and take care, friends.