Control: Voting…
Voting is important. I, Dalton Lewis, don’t give a flying fuck for whom you vote. I just want you to do it. This blog is about reality. The world works in a broken and unfair way — we are distracted by pulp stories and sports scores. We are distracted by ads saying that the rich pay their fair share. Those rich people — they say that it trickles down. They say that we get a fair cut of things. I have to spend less, month after month. They say that they are just the same as you and me. I’m not convinced.
Counter-culture is important. Writing something real matters. Lying about the world — it is wrong. I don’t understand why people don’t talk about reality. Reality — I eat too much sugary foods because society sells them to me. Why? To make money. They sell tasty foods that keep us fat because it makes them more money. It also tastes better — we keep going back to Taco Bell, to Wendy’s, to all those places. I went to Wendy’s today. I ordered food from Taco Bell today. I also ate salmon with a baked potato and some green beans. I ate real food today.
Back to voting. Voting matters. Each person who votes participates in a system to decide who runs the country. We need to elect someone who will protect the country. If one person doesn’t vote that participates in the system. If one person votes it adds up — then all of us vote.
I know that most of the candidates of the main political parties are connected bums. I know that they don’t know what it’s like to be mentally ill or working at a normal, blue-collar job, not having millions of dollars. My family certainly doesn’t have millions of dollars. We don’t have unlimited money. We can’t just travel to Europe for a month for no reason. We have limited resources with which to live.
I, Dalton Lewis, have a mental illness that has thwarted any attempt at having a career. I bagged groceries in my thirties. Thirties! I’m in my forties and don’t know what to do except to write to the absolute best of my ability. I want someone to understand — those stories about good guys saving the galaxy. Maybe there’s something wrong with that. Maybe we’re learning the wrong lesson from superhero stories and pulp fiction. Maybe we need to learn that violence is terrible and heroes are a flawed and failed concept.
Reality? Reality is a terrible place. We die at the end of our lives. We have food and television and reading and computers to distract us. We have a childhood to have fun and then need to give back to society, usually with jobs like an assembly line or entering data into a computer.
We need to vote. We need to make a difference in the world. We need to be important. This is one of the few things that we can do to affect the world around us…so it’s a good idea to vote and give people a chance to hear what you believe in. That’s the question — what do you believe in?
Thanks, and take care, friends.