Control: Writing a Sci-Fi Epic
I, Dalton Lewis, want to write a sci-fi epic for National Novel Writing Month. I’m on page 52 or so writing it, and about 7 days in, that’s pretty good. It’s not going how I thought that it would go. I planned it carefully — and by planned it carefully I mean that I wrote out a few ideas on one page and pretended that was enough planning. I didn’t predict the direction the novel would go, but these things rarely go as planned. Life rarely goes as planned so neither should my novels.
Why am i writing so damn much? Drugs, my friends. My anti psychotic medication helps a lot with my schizophrenia. Thats why i am so productive. Drugs keep me from being so fucking crazy that i cant finish sentences. Drugs are good for you in some cases.
I feel better. I get more done. I am ready to wake up and be productive all day long. I dont sleep quite as much. I dont know what to say except that some meds are better than others. I dont recommend heroin, for example. I hear it doesnt cure much of anything.
Two thousand words a day is my goal. Im eight days in and on track. I am trying to relax and write something interesting and enjoyable. I dont think that i am writing the highest work of art of all time. I am just trying to tell a good story.
I want to write about unhappy outsiders and the factors that make them so miserable. I want villains I understand and synpathize with — a big change for me. I hate my villains in my previous books because they are not sympathetic. They are just plain bad. They have no pain or empathy. I change that with this novel.
I also want to relax and tell a good story. Im not as concerned with worrying. Im happy with this book so far. I hope that, when it comez out, you will like it too.
Thanks, and take care, friends.