Schizophrenic’s Guide: Rewriting…
I, Daniel Trump, am considering a project. I have written a lot of novels. Some were good; some were not. American Starfleet Independence sold a decent number of copies and had thirty-nine ratings and three thousand downloads. Ascension had seventeen ratings and a 3.8 average and some positive reviews. Modern Goth is around 4.4 or so on amazon and is a scary little horror story I did a good job with.
My novels — taken as a whole — aren’t up to the right level of quality that I should expect of myself. I need to do something about that. I am writing a new novel, Siphon’s Wrath, which I want to finish by November 1st. It’s about a cult and should be an interesting and different and disturbing novel with a lot of fantasy and horror elements. Still, I want to do something more.
I want to spend a year or two rewriting all of my old novels — all twenty or so of them.
This is important to me. I want to have written good books, and I haven’t — mostly — done that yet. I have written without the intelligence and cleverness that I should have included in my stories. They had stupid people doing basic, rudimentary things instead of acting with the intellect that people should use in well-written stories.
Is that to be my legacy? Having written twenty or so bad books? I need to change things. I wrote these novels too quickly and need to redo them. I need to overhaul everything that happened in them and make them into something different, something more, something literary.
I’m starting with The Omniscience Cult. I no longer remember very much about what happens in this book and am excited to read it and give it a chance. It is an interesting assignment, to continually rewrite my novels over and over to make them better and better. I hope that this will be a project that will move and entertain people.
I don’t know how to brand these rewrites yet — I might call the first one “The Omniscience Cult — Reimagined” and see if people give it a chance.
Thanks, and take care, friends.