Schizophrenic’s Guide: Teenage Outsiders…
I, Daniel Trump, created a group of outsider teenagers for my novella The Omniscience Cult. They were diverse, plucky, hardworking, the underdogs, wanted to do well, were wonderful people, and had hearts of gold.
Then I had a twist in the first chapter.
I switched things around.
I won’t tell you how but will tell you: things don’t go as they are supposed to go in these stories.
Things go very poorly for everyone involved.
I am several days into rewriting my horror novella, and I’m excited about the possibilities in this project.
Excited about the possibilities of the project.
Listen to me.
I sound like a salesman. I don’t mean to. I’m working hard at a book. You can read it for free or for money or not at all — whichever you want.
I worked hard at it and it wasn’t great last time around, and I’m rewriting it to make it better this time around. I’m trying to make it a higher quality of novel. I don’t know how to make that happen.
I don’t know if it will be good or not.
I have lost handle on what is good and what is bad about my writing.
I’m trying to write with intelligence and respect my characters. That’s all. Nothing complicated.
With Space Paladins: The Supernova Conflict I wrote an essay about the novel and planned everything with the help of my friends. Then I rewrote everything, adding description and depth and substance to the story to make it more intelligent and interesting.
Two ratings, two stars, terrible.
It was terrible.
I have no idea if this one will be better or not, but I’m not going to quit. I’m continuing to try to get better.
I have 30,000 downloads of my novels. That’s not bad. I just want people to really love what I write more. It’s a simple goal. I want to make it happen. I’m trying to create characters that people love and care about and put them into difficult situations. That’s all I’m doing.
We’ll see how it goes.
Thanks, and take care, friends.